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Wait List for Exhibit Space

2020 SOFIC (Special Operations Forces Industry Conference)

  1. The individual named on this application will be used as the "Point of Contact" throughout the waitlist process. Only 1 application per company is allowed.

  2. The application period is CLOSED. The application period was open August 1 - August 31, 2019. If there are companies that applied during the August application time frame that do not receive space before all exhibit space is allocated, they will automatically be placed at the top of the waiting list. Submitting a request for wait listed space does not guarantee space and is not a contract for space in 2020 SOFIC.

  3. Cancellations generally occur in the January-March time frame. NDIA will work its way down the wait list as cancellations occur and will reach out to the next company in line to confirm if they are still interested in space. There is no obligation when adding your company to the wait list.

  4. After submission of your application, you will receive an automatic e-mail confirmation of receipt from NDIA. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, please reach out to Allison H. Carpenter at

  5. If you are interested in joining NDIA as a Corporate Member, please visit our web site.

* indicates required fields


Contact Information


* Company/Organization Name:


* First Name:


Middle Initial:


* Last Name:




* Title/Rank:


* Address 1:


Address 2:


* City:


* State/Province:


* Zip Code:




* E-mail Address:


* Phone Number:




* Organization Type:


Exhibit & Membership Information



* What size exhibit space will you require?    x     =     Total square feet.


* Did you exhibit in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, or 2019 SOFIC?


* Are you a non-profit certified 501(c)3 and hoping to obtain complimentary exhibit space?


* Please select which tier your company falls under. You can view the Tier System by clicking here. NDIA will verify each company’s Tier.     
         Note: If your company qualifies for more than one tier, please list the higher tier.


If your company has an NDIA Corporate Membership, could it be listed under a different company name? Example: A parent or sister organization or listed as an acronym? If so, list that name.


Additional Opportunities


* Are you interested in SOFlanding (outdoor space)?


* Are you interested in being a sponsor at 2020 SOFIC?


* Is your company interested in meeting space at one of the nearby hotel properties?





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