National Defense Industrial Association  

Agile in Government Conference


Abstract Submission for 0A01

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Principal Author / Presenter




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Additional Authors / Presenters
Sessions are limited to two (2) authors/presenters as complimentary speakers.
Additional presenters will be subject to posted and applicable registration fees.



First Name


Last Name






* Topics:

This year the theme of the event is "DevOps at Scale: Advancing Software Acquisition".

Presentations will be considered from business and Government that address the following topics:


Integrating Iterative Development with Acquisition - Government acquisition is still a traditional enterprise process. Fitting iterative software development into this traditional, waterfall-oriented mindset is a challenge. The 2018 DSB SWA study recommended the software factory approach to iterative development. What are the challenges in implementing these concepts in acquisition? How are they integrated with the traditional processes of program and portfolio management? How should we approach traceability, progress measurement and metrics, and contractual performance when integrating iterative development into the acquisition process?


Performance Measurement - Acquisition contracting requires performance measurement and reporting. Several guides have been written regarding applying the Earned Value Management system to programs with agile development. Presentations are sought on types of agile metrics and how they integrate with acquisition management and oversight are welcome. Talks on software factory integrated tool chains and how they relate to acquisition artifacts such as design reviews, CDRLS, etc. are also applicable. Technology business management and lean portfolio management, and their alignment with budgeting, are also topics that may be addressed in these sessions.


Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Agile - On large-scale projects collaboration and the consistent use of designs across multiple teams and contractors are critical to success. MBSE provides a platform to enable business analysts to collaborate with developers to produce precise, consistent design specifications that can derivative development automation and higher quality on a fast turnaround basis. How does iterative software development fit in MBSE? What are the benefits and challenges?


Agile and Cybersecurity - This session addresses how agile principles or DevOps can be applied to acquiring and evolving cyber capabilities to keep up with the rapidly changing threat. Compliance with NIST 800-171 and assurance of adequate security is compounded by the acceleration of change. Presentations will address various perspectives on agile cybersecurity. High assurance applications are of great interest. Examples are medical devices, highly regulated industries, or mission-critical systems impacting flight worthiness, or autonomous vehicles.


DevSecOps for Government – Case Studies and Approaches - DevSecOps (combining Security with DevOps) is becoming increasingly important as Government strives for improvements both in acquisition speed and data protection. Presentations are sought that address the concepts, challenges and successful practices of implementing a secure DevOps process. Pros, cons, case studies and challenges surrounding application of DevSecOps in Government organizations are welcome.


Agile Architecture - Agile architecture refers to both the use of agile methods in developing architectures of various types and levels (enterprise, solution, data, etc.) as well as the architecture necessary to integrate multiple activities for agile development on a large scale. This session will address both perspectives of agile architecture and will provide insights from projects applying the concepts. Attendees will learn to appreciate the mutually reinforcing roles of architecture and agility.


Contracting Case Studies - Should contracts for employing Agile methods be structured differently than those used in traditional waterfall processes? Who should the product owner be and what drives application of agile – the proposal or the RFP? This session is looking for tips and lessons learned on how to successfully address agile within legacy contract mods, or new contracts, and case studies for reviews and deliverables. Presentations may address RFP and contract language, clauses, and deliverables. Topics including design reviews, deliverables, and government-contractor governance roles are encouraged.


Author Biography/Biographies


* Biographies (2000 characters max)




* Title (200 characters max)


* 2-3 sentence summary for program


* Text (1500 characters max)